Posts Tagged ‘ empty house ’

“Instead of curtains, we have cardboard covering the windows, in true ghetto style.”

Having sold all of our belongings, I’m sitting in a Denny’s following a lengthy Research Methods exam. I’ve been sitting in this booth for five hours, actually comforted by what would normally cause my back to ache and my legs to go numb. The alternative for the last week has been studying on my air mattress, the only piece of furniture in the house, which is fine for sleeping, but sitting upon is like trying to find comfort and support on a towering bowl of cafeteria Jello.

The house echos and feels cold. Instead of curtains, we have cardboard covering the windows, in true ghetto style. This place, once my home, now feels like a hollow womb from which I am planning my escape. It is for that reason in which I am moving. The irony does not escape me.

I’m ready to move now. I’ve resolved the angst and reservation, the fears, the apprehensions. I no longer fear being away from the only family I’ve known. I know who my true friends are. I know that I am moving toward opportunity and away from oppression as the economy here is an empty vault of wishes for what could be. I moved here, seven years ago, knowing this journey would lead me to find myself. Now that I have, it’s time to move on. I’ve embraced that…and now, I’m eager to leave.

My husband, on the other hand, is now experiencing the angst, the reservations, the inevitable ache which accompanies leaving “home” for the first time. This will be his first experience moving to another state and leaving his close-knit family behind. While he’s feeling the normal emotions that come with such a huge change, he also realizes that this is the right path for us, so that nagging burden that might exist in some situations doesn’t appear in this one. Regardless, moving forward isn’t any easier. He’s been extremely hard to handle, emotionally, and I am just trying to grin and bear it, although having my best friend nip at me out of his stress from school and this move is wearing me thin.

We’ve made contact with a marital arts studio close to where we’re moving. The instructor has probable job prospects for me, has similar personal beliefs, and from the frequent exchange of emails, appears to be a valuable contact and perhaps, a friend. I’m a big believer of everything happening for a reason, and all of the dojos that I emailed, he was the only one who responded, with the ability to offer assistance and advice on the area. This connection may very well be an open door on numerous levels. I’m excited to see what is in store for us.